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The Tromba Marina
A Study in Organology
1978 / 2002 by Dwight Newton
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Fig.1: 12th century plucked monochord,
Fig.2: Praetorius (1618). tromba marina with three bourdons
Fig.3: Mersenne (1636). Two early tromba marinas.
Fig.4: H. Holbein (1547). Engraving showing tromba marina resting in door frame.
Fig.5: Nicolas de L'Armessin (17th century). Engraving satirizing the musicians' dress. Manuscript over right arm shows example of tromba marina tablature.
Fig.6: Sir John Hawkins (1776). Drawing of tromba marina with lion's head and bow,
Fig.7: 16th century dichord.
Fig.8: Nun playing tromba marina--of questionable authenticity.
Fig.9: Agricola (1528). Trumscheit und kleine Geigen.
Fig.10: Sirens (14th century), one of which holds an early dichord.
Fig.11: Froissard (15th century), Large dichord.
Fig.12: Brandt (16th century). "La Nef des fous." Jester playing dichord,
Fig.13: 15th century trichord,
Fig.14: S. Virdung (1511). Trumscheit und clein Geigen.
Fig.15: Henricus Glareanus (l530), "Tympanischiza."
Fig,16: 17th century tromba marina resembling Prin's performance instrument
Fig.17: Tromba marina--probably from the 17th or 18th centuries.
Fig.18: Tromba marina--probably from the 17th or 18th centuries.
Fig.19: Schematic drawing of 17th century tromba marina from the Boston Museum collection (Bessaraboff).
Fig.20: Schematic drawing by Prin of his tromba marina (Memoire).


I. David Teniers the Younger, "Le Peintre et sa famille." ca. 1645-46. Gemäldegalerie, Berlin. 
II. Portuguese guitar -- showing vertical screw tuning.
III. Hans Memling, "Angelic Musicians."
IV. Canon Galpin playing his tromba marina.